Clover - add/modify a menu item

The Clover POS inventory management system keeps things simple. Just look for the Inventory app. Once the app is open, select the Items tab. You can either select the item you want to modify, or click the green plus button to add something new. From this screen, you can add/adjust the name of the item, set the price, and also select any existing categories or modifiers you want to attach to that menu item. Remember, if your order printer(s) is set to print certain items, you will want to attach the appropriate label to the item as well.

How do I use modifiers?

Modifiers are add-ons or modifications you would like to have available for a menu item. A simple example of this is the size of a cup of coffee. When your staff selects the coffee, you will want them to input the size as well. This can be done by creating a Group Modifier within the Inventory app.For this example we will name the Group of modifiers “Coffee Size”. We are going to create 3 modifiers within that Group Modifier. These modifiers will be named “12 oz”, “16 oz”, and “20 oz”.
For the price, we will want to be the total amount for the cup of coffee in that size. We can also set the minimum to 1, which means in order for your staff to ring up that item, they will have to select a size for the cup. We can also set the max to 1 so that no one can select more than one size. Since the full cost is within the modifier, when creating the item, you can put the cost at zero, and simply select that mandated Coffee Size modifier for that item. Since staff will have to select a size for the coffee, each size will have it’s own individual pricing.